Coming Home to Kansas


Blog Business

Periodically I Google myself, mostly to pat myself on the back at how prolific (or so it appears--ha.) a book reviewer I used to be, but also to make sure nothing bad (or naked) appears.

I've heard that nowadays, people's Internet past can come back to bite them in the ass when they interview for jobs (though HR can't ask any personal questions, they sure can look them up online). That's probably the corporate world. I sort of doubt that would happen in my line of work--the shelter doesn't even have Internet--but still. Better safe than sorry.

So usually I just see book reviews and my name in old mastheads of library journals. Minor heart attack today then, when I tried another search engine (either Yahoo! or Dogpile--can't remember which), and found a few of our posts here.

Unless anyone speaks up soon with a compelling reason against this, I'm going to put in some coding that will exempt this site from showing up on searches.


Now that I have a computer...

I can regale you with pictures of my past.

This was just after Christmas last year, Sandra and her kids washing sea clams to make ceviche. It was pretty good

This is my best Ecuadorian friend, Sandra, with her son, who is my godson in theory. We were at an outdoor mass, just before christmas 05. I would not have gotten through those tow years with out Sandra and her family.

Right before I left, the kids from the school came to say good bye. They broke my heart. I took this picture in my garden.


If You Weren't Doing This...

What would you do? I mean, we all have the thing that we are engaged in now, like social work, and medieval research and photography, etc...but what is your second love?

I was thinking about that this morning. I love agriculture and growing things and art and colors and working with my hands. But there is this other thing that I think about sometimes, a path I didn't take because I never even thought about it, and it seems so unlike me. Radio, public radio. What if I had gone into radio journalism? Could I do that even now? I probably won't, but it's somthing I think about from time to time.

I bet you all have something like that. What is it?


The Announcement

Ok, here is the official word. The kid's three weeks old and I haven't even told you all yet. It's been a little difficult to find time for the computer since he was born. Yes, we have another boy! He's been a good baby so far too. He came on September 19th and we've named him Jonah Gabriel. I'll attach a picture which looks pretty much like you'd expect. :D


happy birthday, jennifer!

... and happy first birthday to "Us"!



Okay, I'm a day early. But happy anniversary to US! Go back, read some old posts, laugh that we are all almost thirty. I love you all!


Ren Fests

So I've decided I will never attend another Ren fest without people who appreciate it(see my blog and you'll understand why). SO my lovelies, as of today, we are going to start a new tradition.
Once a year we will all get together in Bonner Springs, rent hotel rooms and spend the weekend at the renaissance Festival. Dressed up. No excuses, no I'm too busy.

And as of now I'm setting the date. We will get together the 5th of October, stay in a hotel that night and go the ren fest all day Saturday. Stay over the 6th, eat breakfast together in the morning and head home that Sunday afternoon.

Write on your calendars now. Start planning your costumes. No excuses. Besides, who else can I get bawdy and medieval with?