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8.31.20068.27.2006Are you ready to decide?
Ok, so since no one else is saying it I will . I think we need to decide (maybe not right this minute) if and when we are going to have our "reunion". Obviously we aren't all going to be able to be there at one time with us a bit spread out. Maybe if we get the details figured out or in the works at least we can make it happen when a lot of us can be there. Thinking about things I think that the "we shoulds", "we'll have tos" can slip right on into nevers. Nevers don't get anyone anywhere.
Obviously it won't be old settlers day. Christmasish? I think that was mentioned. Let's really decide. 8.23.20068.22.2006Not catching up!
Hey all...I'm getting famous for these sporadic all-encompassing posts where I say how long it's been since I visited the blog, so here's another one. I decided not to overwhelm myself by trying to read down and catch up with what's going on so if there are any really vital things happening, post a comment and then I can feel like I at least have some clue about the rest of the universe.
Here, things are busy since we're getting ready for baby. We have about three weeks left (I hope) and I am panicking more than usual. Asher will hate the baby, I think, but he moved into his new room yesterday and already has gotten used to that, so there is the good news. He's very attached to me and so things are going to be tough for him for a while. He just had his half birthday yesterday so he is officially "going on 2". Does anyone have name ideas for me? We are pretty much solidified for a girl and trying to decide between 2 boys' names at this point, but I love to hear other people's ideas. And we have NO idea for the boy's middle name. Asher's named after someone in my family and so we want this one to be named after someone in Jason's family. I would prefer his dad, but the poor guy's name is Gary Gene. Argh. Hence, a dilemma. And it reminds me of how Nick Voelker always used to call Garrett "Gary" just to annoy him. Other family choices are Anthony, Michael, James, Thomas, and Dmitri. I feel weird using some of these since they are people I've never met. And I can't ask you guys for help since you don't know the first names they are supposed to match. We're sworn to secrecy. Dmitri is kinda neat-o though, huh? Anyway. I'm taking Asher to visit my parents on Thursday morning. I think my dad has plans about tractor rides or something. He likes having boys in the family finally. Other than that we are pretty much focused on baby preparation. Of course Jason isn't nervous. Nothing scares him, except when he has his spider dreams. I will try to check in often in the next few weeks and tell everybody what is happening. My main goal is just to keep the kid in there as long as possible at this point. 8.15.20068.12.2006#4
My tattoo artist is so dreamy. I have a huuuge crush on him.
![]() And he's goooood. ![]() But I still hate needles. I am trying not to pass out. ![]() Now I'm fixing to pass out from happiness after I hear the words "all done." ![]() Yep. All done! ![]() 8.03.20068.02.2006baby quilt
Hey, all you people with babies. I want to make a baby quilt for my cousin's as yet in utero child. What I'm wondering is, should I be concerned about tying it rather that quilting it? Like, what if it chewed on the ties and then choked on one? Am I being paranoid?
And I guess I should probably make it flannel, even though it's so danged hot. Don't worry, Ellie, this doesn't mean I'm not worrying about your wedding quilt. | ||||||||