Coming Home to Kansas



OMG, is anyone else as hot as I am? Today Chicago is like a giant sweaty elephant sitting on top of me.

It got hotter in Kansas. This is for sure true. But there I would just take myself on down to the movie theater and hope a three hour flick was showing. They only cost three fifty. Here, it's almost a ten dollar investment.

Days like this, it's hard to remember coolness, and frost, and anything refreshing. People are angry when it's this hot, especially in the city.

Today, I've decided that moving to the mountains is the only choice. I hope you all are doing well.



I was flipping channels the other day and footloose was on. It brought back memories of dancing to this song and a variety of others at various slumber parties and one in lesleys basement. I want to say halloween. Where did the time go? I also when did the music we listened to then become the oldies of today? I noticed this while at the dentist. Micky by tony basil was one of the songs being played over their system. Sigh. It made me feel a little old. Then i left and felt fine.


I decided a while ago that I needed to buy a computer. Well, wanted to. So now the time is drawing near to actually suck it up and lay down some cash, since I'm going to be a real independent person. However, I don't really know how to pick one. And who better to ask than you all. I've decided that it's got to be a laptop, since I'm so mobile still. Other than that...I don't know much about the damn things. I want to check my email and use the internet, write stories and essays, and possibly, in the future, use design programs. I'm thinking of going back to school for a masters in Landscape Architecture, which would probably entail some sort of CAD program or something. This is not for sure. It would also be nice to be able to watch movies on the thing.

So, what do you suggest? My brother in law told me to get a macbook. My dad thinks I should buy one on Ebay, but a friend of mine got burned that way...he had saved enough money from his peace corps allowance to get a laptop, and then the guy never sent the computer.


a job

I have been long absent, it seems. But, I have good news, at least for myself. I'm going to teach english to immigrants in chicago. This is probably not my first choice of ways to make a living, at least the english teaching part, but as I don't know what my first choice is yet, this is a good way to earn a little money. And it will be great to work with immigrants. I'm so excited to be getting closer to having a life. First, though, I am coming home to kansas next week...peaches and sweet corn are in season.



How'd you spend the 4th?

I volunteered to work, actually, because I thought Tim would have to work (he didn't), and I got 16 hours of holiday time for doing it. It was just me and a relief worker covering the admin's desk, so I worked on some freelance proofreading, and got some satisfaction at being paid triple for sitting at my desk.

Then I got some clearance things at the Gap, and went home to die from heat exhaustion. Seriously, it was too hot even to get up from the bed, put on my swim suit, and walk twenty feet to the pool.

In the evening, Tim and I organized and packed things in preparation for the move, until we decided it would be more enjoyable to pack while high, which, wouldn't you know it? killed our productivity in approximately thirty seconds. We ended the evening sitting on the floor listening to Zepplin, planning videos that would go along with the music.

So no fireworks or anything!

How about you?