Coming Home to Kansas



I was flipping channels the other day and footloose was on. It brought back memories of dancing to this song and a variety of others at various slumber parties and one in lesleys basement. I want to say halloween. Where did the time go? I also when did the music we listened to then become the oldies of today? I noticed this while at the dentist. Micky by tony basil was one of the songs being played over their system. Sigh. It made me feel a little old. Then i left and felt fine.


Blogger LE said...

No joke. I listen to the "oldies" station here, and they freaking play R.E.M.! R.E.M. has not moved into the oldies category yet!

I miss when oldies were from the 50s, 60s, and 70s, not the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

7:31 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

There is a station here that considers oldies 70s 80s and 90s

10:46 PM  
Blogger Lesley said...

My pet peeve is that Coldplay keeps getting called the "new U2"!!!!! Since when do we need a new U2???! I don't think U2 should ever be considered old....

And yes, I hate the fact that R.E.M. gets played on lighter, "oldies" stations now. Sadness!

Oh, and Sarah, you reminded me of a slumber party/Halloween at my house when we were still in elementary school and all came in costume. You were Mickey Mouse, I think! The Footloose soundtrack was the very first cassette I ever owned. :)

9:45 AM  
Blogger LE said...

I get Coldplay and Interpol confused. It might be Interpol instead, then, that I listened to and thought, "hey, I should pick up some old Cure." So I don't actually know much Interpol, but I do love me some The Cure.

9:48 AM  

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