Coming Home to Kansas



OMG, is anyone else as hot as I am? Today Chicago is like a giant sweaty elephant sitting on top of me.

It got hotter in Kansas. This is for sure true. But there I would just take myself on down to the movie theater and hope a three hour flick was showing. They only cost three fifty. Here, it's almost a ten dollar investment.

Days like this, it's hard to remember coolness, and frost, and anything refreshing. People are angry when it's this hot, especially in the city.

Today, I've decided that moving to the mountains is the only choice. I hope you all are doing well.


Blogger Lesley said...

No kidding! We had some rain here last week, but that just turned the world into a sauna. Now that I have plantings outside -- amazing landscaping courtesy of previous owners of this house -- I have become very concerned about rainfall in my own backyard and not just for my parents' crops in Kansas! I heard it got up to 109 in Wichita at one point. Yikes.

We are going the movie route this evening, a place I have to take a sweater even on the hottest day.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

That was seriously a hot week. I think that somewhere it was 112 like out at the airport. That was the week I couldn't even think about turning on the gas stove. We had sandwiches and cereal all week.

9:10 PM  
Blogger LE said...

Oh god. It's hot here, too. We just finished loading the moving truck, and I am SO thankful that we have booked movers for Chicago. I think lugging everything up three floors in this weather would probably kill me and my family.

I think that now the truck's packed, I'm going to spend the afternoon floating in the pool!

10:13 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I was thinking that if an elephant was sitting on you, you could just pinch its ass and make it get off of you. Too bad it won't work for this heat.

7:38 PM  

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