Coming Home to Kansas


I know Catie is on there. Anyone else?

I am kind of (a lot) freaked out by it. I was bored at work yesterday, so I did a search for ESU alums, and was disturbed with my poor memory because I didn't recognize many people. (I did, however, come across some annoying theatre people, the first love of my life, and a guy who really dicked me over senior year. Oh, and also one of Garrett's exes.) Then today, I did an MHS search, and I guess you can see who accesses your pages, because suddenly Zack Bauman sent me a message, and then Tony Whateverhisnamewas (from our class) did too.

I think you guys are the extent of how much I'm willing to access my past. It weirded me out to see kids on there, posting pictures of them drinking (legally) when I can remember them nearly in diapers. Also, for instance, with Tony, I'm glad to know he's doing well, but I have no interest in staying in touch.

Also, though I dearly love being able to Google people, I think I was so rattled by people contacting me because I'm used to being fairly anonymous on the Internet, and I don't want to be so easily trackable (the aftereffects of an abusive boyfriend). I suppose that sounds contrary for someone who has a public blog, but I try to avoid using identifying info on there, like where I work, live, etc. (Oh yeah, and Friendster doesn't freak me out quite as much.)

Anyway. Hi.


Blogger Catie said...

it's really not that bad...
there are plenty of privacy settings and you can block people from contacting you... and, i think, from even looking at your page.
plus, you are the one that controls how much information other people see. It's no worse than any other profile page online.
and i like it. I've gotten back in contact with a lot of friends from high school and college... friends overseas and friends from work.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Lesley said...

Wow, not only did I not recognize anyone when I searched ESU (OR MHS for that matter), I also was disturbed by how drastically my search results shrank when I typed in 30-35 as an age range. As in, from 400-some to 60.

I know what you are saying, El. I was rattled by some of the people posting pretty self-revealing stuff -- but then, I also have a public blog and all that, so what does this stuff shock me? I guess I feel a bit glad that only those who know about my blog will care to access it - I mean, if my tame/boring blog competes with half-naked people boozing it up on other sites, then I shouldn't have to worry about unwanted online advances.

Plus, according to the myspace search, I am already out of the key demographic age range!

1:49 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I think that people get weird on myspace sometimes. I don't think that you would pull out the hey I'm drunk photo album and pass it around at a family reunion. I think that even though it is their space there is nothing cool about a picture of yourself drunk. You just end up looking stupid and then you have that memory etched of a night you can hardly remember. There is still a point of tmi even on a blog. My word verification says it all idodtjz minus the j of course

9:57 PM  

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