Coming Home to Kansas


A big fat envelope

The past few days, on the drive home, I start panicking a bit, and getting dizzy. All because I just found out UIC made a decision about me and mailed me their letter last Friday. And I've been racing to the mailbox all week, and there's been nothing. (There was also an incident on Monday where some juvenile offenders--the delinquents who live below us, I suspect--who made off with a bag of mail from our mailman, so I was worried the letter had gotten nicked.)

Well, it finally arrived, and I guess they like me and want me in their program!!!! I am so freaking relieved to finally know for sure. All talk of next year has had to be prefaced by IF, not WHEN, regarding grad school. But now we can start making plans and relinquishing our firm grip on our savings.



Blogger Unknown said...

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5:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS ELLIE!!!!!!!! THAT IS AWESOME! I just knew you'd get in! I hope you are celebrating, because that is just the best news I've heard all day.

A toast to you, El.

5:21 PM  
Blogger Lesley said...

That is great!! I know the feeling of awaiting the envelope all too well -- and now, you KNOW FOR SURE! That rocks! Congrats over and over!

8:47 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9:54 PM  
Blogger LE said...

Thank you guys! I'm currently worrying about my future beyond grad school, and whether to go for clinical practice or case management, and which to pick because I can't do both, but I'm hoping it's just the crazy irrational PMS talking smack in my brain, because I sure don't need to worry about that yet, and just focus on getting ready to START school!

I've been talking for the past few weeks with a second-year student, and it has gotten me so jazzed to start my studies and practicums. (I even had to put the brakes on our conversations this week, because it was too exciting to discuss things--I wanted to wait to make sure I actually would be accepted!) One of his classmates did an assistantship at the rape crisis hotline (where I volunteered before leaving Chi-town), and that paid for her tuition, so I'm going to see if I can pursue that for myself. I super duper love sexual assault work, and it would be sweet to get my tuition paid!

9:49 AM  

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