Coming Home to Kansas


I hate announcements.

I hate "announcements", and I shy away from making them, especially in person but here too. Alas, I realize this is the quickest and most efficient way for you all to hear this, unless the Marion grapevine has beaten me to it. Do you guys notice, by the way, that people from Marion seem to hear all sorts of stuff about you and you have no idea how? Maybe it's just me, but it's almost as though I go back there and some random person asks how Jason's soccer team is doing or whatever. Weird.

Anyway, the thing I am not announcing is that we're having another baby. Most of the time I am excited about this, and the rest of the time I dread the first three months that I (confession) didn't really enjoy with Asher. Some people talk about tiny babies as though they are the coolest thing ever, but I have to tell you they cry all the time. Ok, not all of them do, but they certainly do their share. Anyway. It's supposed to be born on September 14th and you all really have to cheer for that date because Jason is very excited at the possibility of having all our birthdays on multiples of 7. He's the 7th, Asher is the 21st, and I'm the 28th, and so of course if I don't hit the 14th Jason's mathematical world will be askew. And we don't want that.

The bad thing is this pretty much precludes my attending our OSD reunion unless some sort of miracle happens and I have all this energy by then. So we will have to plan another one in the future, if possible, because I really do want to have one too!


Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

Nope, pregnancy is not an excuse. You get to come anyway.

Sarah and I can both testify that the second, third are easier. Well, not the third, we both had trouble. But two is easier than one.

And CONGRATULATIONS! Now we can shower you with baby stuff! Baby things are so much cuter now.

7:34 PM  
Blogger LE said...


I agree with Jen: absolutely no excuse to miss our reunion! I MUST see one of my long-time friends with a big round baby belly! Pictures are not nearly good enough.

Speaking of our reunion: Listen. I have been thinking about this for ages! I have already started hording money away in my sock drawer to afford the airfare home. And I'm fixin to beg some more freelance work to save up--it's that important to me!

I'll just have started school, so... I'm sure it will be difficult, but it really important to me to see you all again, so I'm trying my hardest.

7:48 PM  
Blogger Lesley said...

Wow! Congratulations! great news abounds on our blog! Are you hoping for a girl? so exciting! I love living vicariously through other people's pregnancies and children!

And we don't have to have reunion on OSD exactly, do we? See, this is what I'm talking about folks -- we gotta get planning!

7:50 PM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

Well, when can Ellie and Gretchen get back? Hannah will be home soon, HOORAY!
So we could do it around when Lesley comes home in August before school starts again.

7:54 PM  
Blogger LE said...

I guess we don't really have to plan it for OSD, but that's a nice reunion-y weekend. (I was going to say, I could see other folks who were back in town, too, but really, there's no one else I'm itching to see.) Honestly, Christmas would work better for me, since this year belongs to my family and we'll be there anyway, but I know holidays might be harder to coordinate. (I might prefer this reunion be for US, but I still would love it if Tim got to meet you all.)

I absolutely can't do it in August, because that will be getting-settled-in-Chicago, ready-to-start-school time, not to mention towards the end, I'll be coming back to Montgomery for a friend's wedding. Drat the timing!

7:59 PM  
Blogger Lesley said...

Well, you know, El, if you wanted to save some bucks, you and Tim could meet us in Champaign and then drive back with us! Road trip! Just a thought...

And yeah, I won't be in Kansas this summer at all b/c of us moving (we hope!)into the new place we are still searching for... September still works much better for me anyway. The holidays COULD work for us though -- as long as we could all schedule PLENTY of time away from families!

8:13 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Yea for you!!!!!!!! That is Robynn's birthday. She was only like 8 days late. All of mine were late. Brandon was 10 days and I'd still be pregnant with Ian if Jennifer hadn't been well a bitch to the Wichita Clinic. Oh and did I miss the memo about when the reunion was supposed to be?????

8:31 PM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

Was I bitchy with them? What did I do? I honestly can't remember.

8:34 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Let's see. After the hell no you are not waiting until April (he was due the 19th of march and it was already the 29th) you told me everyone had a boss and you found my dr's boss. Then within 30 minutes they found a dr to deliver Ian that day

8:58 PM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

I remember that now. And darn it if it didn't work. No one likes it when they get tattled on or when dr's aren't working right.

Did I call or did you?

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't use it as an excuse not to come unless absolutely necessary. Like, I had it that week or something, which is probably what's going to happen.

At the moment I am sort of hoping for another boy since they are close together, but when I think about that, I get afraid that I'll be like "NEVER AGAIN" after the next one and then will never GET a girl. So, I guess it doesn't really matter, although we have discovered that we now hate all boys' names. Last time boys' names were so much easier. I don't know what happened.

4:13 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Baby names always seemed to result in a disagreement. With Robynn our boy name was easy her name we argued back and forth about for months and we didnt even know until almost sept due to having to have another ultra sound. With the boys our girl names were easy and their names were hard. I think babies are easy when they get bigger before they walk is hard and then until they realize not to run in the street it gets easier

7:58 AM  
Blogger LE said...

September 14, that's Eliza's birthday!

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, like I said, I've been instructed to hit that date exactly, so...And by the way I had a doctor's appointment this week and you can hear its heart beat now, which is cool.

I'm realizing that once Asher decides to walk things will be easier in several ways. There are so many times I have to block him off from where I am because it's not a place where he can safely crawl around. Of course, there's the trade-off with him being able to run away from me, etc, but I have to say that he is a darn fast crawler and already does this, so maybe it won't be that much worse.

We aren't going to know girl or boy until it's born, which drives Jason's family and many of our friends crazy, but that's just the way we are I guess. That also makes it possible for us to not tell the name until the baby is born. For some reason I never want to do that either, just in case I change my mind or something.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I couldnt stand not knowing it totally drove me crazy. We knew the boys were boys because i started showing in differently than with robynn. Which was good because i hated the middle name steve wouldnt compromise on for a girl. But not telling your baby name makes for less negativity if no one else likes it because its already the name of your baby and who could talk bad about a baby.

8:34 AM  
Blogger Catie said...

Congratulations, LeAnn! :)

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have issues with a middle name here too, but I can't complain since Asher's middle name is Walter, for crying out loud. My grandfather. So, Jason gets the next one.

4:33 PM  

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