Coming Home to Kansas


Fact or fiction

So for lack of anything else to watch right now and waiting for the laundry to dry Im watching Montel. It happens to be Sylvia Brown wednesday. If you dont know she is a physic. She spends the hour answer questions about basically everything. Im not sure that im a true believer in all of that. I also dont think im a nonbeliever. Im probably somewhere in the middle. I can remember, 7 yrs ago, standing in the shower my head under the water and hearing my name. As it turns out jennifer was thinking of me. I had been thinking of calling her. I didnt grow up being afraid of ghosts or believing in big foot or the lochness monster. Im all about proof. Show me the spirit, big foot and nessy. I want to see it for myself. There is a part of oklahoma where big foot is supposed to live. Someday i want to see if i can find big foot. So maybe if you look and listen closely you can see and hear what you normally wouldnt. Fact or fiction you decide.


Blogger LE said...

I don't know what I believe. Tim has some very interesting stories that, coming from anyone else, I'd think was a pile of crap. But he seems to be in tune with more than just our plane of existence (er, whatever. I don't know what to call it).

I've had two interesting (but maybe only coincidental) experiences. Six or seven years ago, I knew a woman from a message board whose boyfriend had leukemia. We weren't personally that close, though I felt a bond with her as though we'd make really good friends. Anyway, one night, I was making dinner, and randomly thought (er, this sounds bad), "I wonder if her boyfriend has died yet?" And then the next day she announced that he had passed away the previous night.

Then with, um, an ex-boyfriend's cat who I was particularly attached to, I thought about him one night (he was an oldster), and the next day before I had a chance to ask my ex about him, he told me the cat had died the day before.

I feel a little ridiculous telling these stories, but when I finally shared them with Tim, he didn't laugh. I typically dismiss any thoughts or spooky events or occurances to my overactive imagination. When I was a kid, I had difficulty sleeping at night and would constantly feel/see(ish) presences around me, but even then I would just blame my imagination.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Jennifer has always been more in tune with that side of herself. When i worked overnite alone at the assisted living center i would get that hair standing up on the back of your neck feeling. Dismissing it as working alone.

12:15 PM  
Blogger LE said...

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12:23 PM  
Blogger Lesley said...

Just last week, Topher sent me a link to a web site that catalogues haunted places. Don't have the URL with me atm -- but I kind of enjoyed searching through it for places I knew. None in Marion -- surprisingly (I mean, doesn't my parents' basement count?). But plenty in Lawrence and Topeka. And on my side, the UI English Building ghost made the list!

I like believing in such things -- especially the idea that one can have an interaction with those who have passed away. I don't really have such stories from my own experience -- but I do believe they are possible.

(Note to LeAnn: my word was 'dyuyd' as in Keanu Reeves saying 'dyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyd' in the 80s. That reminds me, only Keanu Reeves COULD make this blog better, you know.)

3:49 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

There is a book that i always want to borrow but its always checked out. Its called Haunted Kansas. I want to see all the places that are haunted. I did find theorosa's bridge. I made the jaunt to valley center. My friend cortni was creeped out for 3 days. Me not so much.

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that a lot of that stuff is ridiculous and some of it is real and not cool at all. It just seems like a bad idea to me to try to "contact" dead people and all that. Call me a weirdo but I think sometimes people mess with stuff that is a lot more dangerous than they think. I dunno.

11:33 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I think at least for me i want to see the places for myself. Why people think its haunted. Like the bridge its just a cement bridge that was redone about 20 yrs ago. Youre supposed to tell her you have her baby but thats to me ridiculous. I want to know the stories and see for myself.

11:51 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I dont crack out the weegie board on the weekends and try to contact the great beyond. I don't believe that sort of thing. I am interested in the history of it. (The one course that I actually really liked in college history. THe almost professor went into such detail it was so interesting. People dropped the class like flies because the tests were total essay). I wanted to know more about the story behind Lesley's haunted building. Now it makes me want to see it.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

Sarah forgot to mention the FIT I threw when I found out she had messed with the ouiji board. And I know, of all people I'm the one that hasn't said anything yet about haunted mental asylums, old witch covens, ghosts in dorm rooms and a county covered in ley lines. Later. I'm tired and it's such a long story.

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lesley's haunted building is indeed very cool. I've only seen it during the day but you can completely see how people would come up with some creepy stuff if they were hanging around in there after dark. Creeky floors, too.

8:41 AM  

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