   These are the last two puppies we have left. The other night we saw the bad dog that came into our fence and Steve followed it home. So the guy that owns the dog came over and looked at the puppies. He is going to take the black one in like a week I think. So in the meantime we are still looking for homes for the other two. The light colored one is a girl and the carmel one with the black face is a boy. They are sweet and good natured. The carmel colored one is a bit shy, but is getting better. He is probably a week behind because he is the smallest one. They will probably be medium sized 30-40 lbs maybe, the small one I would say 20 lbs. Who wants one and when do you want me to drop them off!?! So if you know anyone who is looking for a puppy send them my way.
School's out for summer
School is out! And of course being the punk that I am, taught the fifth graders I work with how to make a butt with their knee. Everyone should have a cool party trick.
Happy 30th!
Happy birthday, Hannah! Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing, fun-filled, memorable birthday!
I love my mom
And you too, LeAnn, Sarah and Jennifer. Hope you are having a great day!
My Announcement
Oh, yeah, when you go to the bookstore next, look for a cookbook called The Real Dirt on Vegetables. It just came out, and it's by the farmer at Angelic Organics, where I used to work. I did some illustrations for it, and I'm fairly sure they are included.
hey, guys, what's going on? Sounds like a lot...everyone has an announcement these days. I was wondering though, should we change Mariah's memorial to around Christmas time, instead of OSD? Just because it seems like people have a lot going on around then, and even though Christmas is busy, maybe more of us will be around? I know that I just applied for a temporary job out of the country, and even though I don't know if I'll get it, or when it would be, I think there's a good chance it would overlap OSD. But I'm NOT missing another christmas with my family. Lemme know what you think.
No more school, no more books......Oh, wait, I am the teacher with the dirty looks
Last final is done. It's so weird to say that. I realize that may change if I go back and get my masters (not that THAT'S going to happen anytime soon), but for now, last test is done. So for you, all my lovely, far flung friends you can watch me 7:00 pm friday evening at www.shockervision.tv It will be the Commencement: Barton School of Business link. Wish me luck so that I don't fall off my fabulous shoes!
A poem I found that I thought I would share
I found this poem online and I think it kind of sums us all up! Friends you and me, You brought another then there were three We started our group Our circle of friends There is no beginnning There is no end
Sarah had a birthday!
And I didn't forget, but I haven't signed on for over a week!! Happy birthday. I remembered that whole weekend because Emporia has gigantic Cinco de Mayo celebrations and I felt as though I should have painted your name on a sombrero and worn it around town or something. Sadly, I lacked the courage and also the sombrero.
I was reading Hannah's blog, and this line: "It was just one moment out of many, coming from one and leading to another," made me realize why I like blogs, in general, so much, but mostly all of yours. Well, my love of blogs comes from enjoying hearing people talk about their lives and their thoughts--particularly if they are good at writing about it, but all of yours remind me of creative writing class, and how much we used to share our writing. I miss that creative outlet. I don't even really write anymore. My last poem was about five years ago, and I think the blog is actually stunting my writing ability. Thinking about all this, I went back to my most prized possession: a book Hannah created for high school graduation, filled with all our memories. Towards the end, one spread was filled with one of my favorite poems ever to come out of the creative writing classes, that ended with: "And I was feeling as though I was almost worthy of this day." I love that thought and idea, and reading it again made me miss all of your words.
Catie, Catie... The Soon-To-Be-Married Lady...
hey everyone! guess who got engaged last week!? :)