Coming Home to Kansas



While all of you will be getting announcements, I know not everyone will be back in time, so I'm posting this.

WSU now hosts the commencement ceremonies live on the web. The link is I graduate at 7:00 central time on May 12. Now you just have to wait till the N's and can do other things during the boring parts (those that don't include me!).


Blogger Sarah said...

Rock on I could just stay at home and watch and not make the trek down there!

Just kidding!

Any chance to scream and embarrass you I'm there. I'm going to make you a sign. Is billboard size too big?

9:35 PM  
Blogger Lesley said...

Yay, that's great, Jen! Wish I could be there to cheer you on! Is that a Friday?

So, you better demand lots of grad gifts *and* mother's day gifts. I would.

9:45 PM  

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