nothing in particular
So I have some time before dinner, but nothing really important to say. Visiting blog and impatient for new post..... so....
Lasagna for dinner here. How about you all? I made one with sausage and spinach and even some carrots in there -- along with all the expected lasagna ingredients. Like ricotta. Did anyone else ever make lasagna with cottage cheese? My mom always did. I grew up thinking ricotta must be one of them there fancy cheeses they only get in New York get a rope City. I mean, did any store in Marion ever carry ricotta? Just thinking..... And a lot of us like to cook. I like it when I have the time to think about it. Otherwise, it can stress me out. Tonight, I just had a fairly productive work day on a paper I have to present in a few weeks, so I am okay taking time out to cook. We should all share favorite recipes. Or maybe just what we enjoy making. I think we are in for a stellar dinner party when we all reunite!
And I have a new laptop as of yesterday! I spent time getting a slide show of manuscript images going on it last night. Topher laughed at me as I got excited with each new thing the computer did. I am still amazed by technology sometimes -- hate it at others. I always tease Topher about how my grandmother would ask him "So, Chris, what is the internet?" EVERY time she saw him. I mimic that question from time to time b/c I'm often just as clueless. (Topher is, btw, out getting bread to got with our lasagna -- he gets off work around 6)
And tonight? I should go work out -- but I'll have a glass of wine with dinner and decide not to. Then I'll probably watch Gilmore Girls -- which you all should be watching, btw, yes, even the guys, 'cause Topher watches it with me & admits to liking it. I know (Ellie) that I need to get on a Veronica Mars kick, but until I start that, GG has much of my TV attention. Then, probably more writing, more work.....or I'll bake Groundhog Day cookies. Yep, some friends of ours actually have a yearly Groundhog Day party, and it's this Saturday. So I'm baking cookies for it, plus I need to come up with an idea for "original Groundhog art." It's a requirement for the party -- everyone has to bring something. I was telling Garrett that it sounds weird but actually ends up being hilarious fun. I will GLADLY accept suggestions! And give you credit!
Okay, that's all. Told you it was nothing.
Lasagna for dinner here. How about you all? I made one with sausage and spinach and even some carrots in there -- along with all the expected lasagna ingredients. Like ricotta. Did anyone else ever make lasagna with cottage cheese? My mom always did. I grew up thinking ricotta must be one of them there fancy cheeses they only get in New York get a rope City. I mean, did any store in Marion ever carry ricotta? Just thinking..... And a lot of us like to cook. I like it when I have the time to think about it. Otherwise, it can stress me out. Tonight, I just had a fairly productive work day on a paper I have to present in a few weeks, so I am okay taking time out to cook. We should all share favorite recipes. Or maybe just what we enjoy making. I think we are in for a stellar dinner party when we all reunite!
And I have a new laptop as of yesterday! I spent time getting a slide show of manuscript images going on it last night. Topher laughed at me as I got excited with each new thing the computer did. I am still amazed by technology sometimes -- hate it at others. I always tease Topher about how my grandmother would ask him "So, Chris, what is the internet?" EVERY time she saw him. I mimic that question from time to time b/c I'm often just as clueless. (Topher is, btw, out getting bread to got with our lasagna -- he gets off work around 6)
And tonight? I should go work out -- but I'll have a glass of wine with dinner and decide not to. Then I'll probably watch Gilmore Girls -- which you all should be watching, btw, yes, even the guys, 'cause Topher watches it with me & admits to liking it. I know (Ellie) that I need to get on a Veronica Mars kick, but until I start that, GG has much of my TV attention. Then, probably more writing, more work.....or I'll bake Groundhog Day cookies. Yep, some friends of ours actually have a yearly Groundhog Day party, and it's this Saturday. So I'm baking cookies for it, plus I need to come up with an idea for "original Groundhog art." It's a requirement for the party -- everyone has to bring something. I was telling Garrett that it sounds weird but actually ends up being hilarious fun. I will GLADLY accept suggestions! And give you credit!
Okay, that's all. Told you it was nothing.
You could do a collage. I luv them. When i taught preschool we always did them. You can use them for colors letters etc. Plus you can use just about anything. Everyone hated when we used glitter and sequines. Two things that get everywhere when you even use just a pinch. You could paint something groundhogish with chocolate pudding or mud. I cant help it i worked with 3 yr olds you have to and learn to be creative with weird things.
I cooked all night, and I went to bed exhausted. This morning, it's the shelter staff's turn to make breakfast for our monthly agency meeting (it's a custom I found unusual in the beginning--imagine doing that in Chicago, we'd probably have it catered--but I now love). I made the most delicious applesauce spice cake (Joy of Cooking) and hash brown casserole (from my friend Sally; something I probably wouldn't admit to liking, but hey! I live in the South!)
Pretty soon my co-workers will get to work, and we'll start making eggs, sausage, grits, biscuits... mmm. I can't wait.
Our yogurt maker also arrived last night! I am SO excited to try it out! We go through so much yogurt every week, nay, every day, that this might be a pretty cost-effective machine, not to mention homemade yogurt is supposed to be deeeeelicious!
Speaking of cooking, someone I know through a message board just started a blog about cooking. I love it.
The Unemployed Cook
Oooh, I forgot. There's a new Japanese restaurant opened down the road from our apartment, and it is SO GOOD. We usually share an entree, so it's not that expensive.
Eating out. Man. Good way to race through money.
Yeah, we always face the temptation of eating out a lot, too. I've finally started planning week menus pretty consistently and shopping for the week all at once. It's so easy to do, but I've finally made it a habit, which helps. Plus, I've gotten more interested in cooking generally -- so I like to try new stuff in Cooking Light and Everyday Food.
And I got a set of spring form pans for Christmas; I'm so excited to start making cheesecake that's actually attractive...
You're eating well!
I made a yellow split pea and bulgar salad last night. It's from Moosewood, very Mediterranean, topped with feta. It's my favorite. Supposedly it's a perfect complex protein dish, too. (Tim also made chili, though just between us, it wasn't as good as when I make it.)
Gretchen, your salad reminds me of one I like to make in spring and summer, when we grill out: cold jasmine rice, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, and avacados, with an olive oil-balsamic dressing. I didn't have jasmine rice last time, so I made basmati and used jasmine tea instead of straight water in the rice. Yum.
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