Coming Home to Kansas


Ren Fest memories

Turkey legs

Puke and Snot

Buying a fake nose ring

Mark, Eric, and Garrett dressing up and swanning around, picking up girls, like English peasants

Lying on the floor of the bus with LeAnn and Sarah, while they tortured me with chainsaw sounds after I confessed to them my fear of Port-a-Potties, that the scary movie dude who attacked people with chainsaws would come up through the blue chemical muck to dismember me.


Blogger Catie said...

LOL! i have a picture of mark, garrett and eric dressed up for ren fest! I will DEFINITELY post it. :)

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a picture of Eric, Lesley, Garrett, and Catie on the Ren Fest bus. If I figure out how to post pictures I will post that one. In the picture, Eric is telling some wild story and trying to be serious and the others are clearly ridiculing him. He's wearing his velvet hat.

1:09 PM  
Blogger Lesley said...

Ok, this is so weird, but I was just reading journals/letters/etc about Ren Fests of the past.... Hmmm. I may have to do my own post on it.....
I remember that the first time I went was my freshman year, and this is really silly, but that's the beginning of the tale of why I am where I am now.....

1:25 PM  
Blogger Lesley said...

Yes, the chainsaw! The "nuhhh nuhhh nununuh nuhhhh nunu huh" sound we would make to torment you! I hated those port-a-potties, too. And I think I still think of the chainsaw thing when I have to use one.

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't, but NOW I shall. Thanks, everyone. :D

8:31 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I remember:

cross country tights as part of the costume

being really soggy a couple times at the end of it

never having money to buy the cool stuff (I made up for it with a vengence a couple years ago. bought a cool gardenstone chess set inlaid with stained glass and carved stone pieces.)

chocolate covered cheesesteak on a stick!!!

watching puke and snot over and over with eric

the fear of being accosted by the insult guy

being in my element with my friends

buying a rose for the girl at the beer stand (eric will remember this. she was hot!!!)

watching the jousting and being bored out of my friggin mind

my obsession for leather bracelets was born there

watching the quarterstaff sparring and considering it a career option

later going back unofficially as a character and making money telling stories until they (a couple ren fest workers) realized I wasn't really a part of the show and gave me the boot (made some mad cash though)

the fun bus ride

4:58 PM  

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