Coming Home to Kansas


The First Time I Met.... Lesley

Okay, i'll begin with Lesley.
The first time i met her, i think i was in 6th grade. It was my first trip to the Renaissance Festival and i was going on the bus from the high school with my family and loads of amazing "adults" (aka, teenagers... but to me, they were all amazing adults). I was so excited and scared as hell; not wanting to be seated too far from my parents, but not wanting them to be too close *for heaven's sake... gads, the embarassment!* So i sat in one of the brown leather seats *this is the coolest bus ever! brown seats instead of green!* and was looking around anxiously at all of the kids that I wanted desperately to get to know.
One in particular, sat behind me. She had BEAUTIFUL dark brown hair (which reminded me of Sarah from Labyrinth), big shining eyes and smiled at me with a hint-of-natural-rouged lips. I was hooked. I wanted to know her and become her best friend ever! *ahh, the aspirations of an enamored little girl :)* So, most of the trip, i sat backwards in my seat so i could watch her talk to her friend (who i believe was Jen?), and tried to copy the way they sat, with their knees perched up against the seat in front of them as they sank down in theirs, away from prying eyes. I studied everything about her, from her silver jewelry to her clothes, to her laugh. I was the youngest stalker ever to breathe. :)
Even if you don't remember it, thanks for humoring a little girl that was probably more annoying than charming when you met her. And i'm so glad that we became closer when i finally got to become an "amazing adult" in high school, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yhe youngest stalker ever! That is truly hilarious. But a familiar feeling. I personally stalked a high school girl on my bus when I was in the first grade. I, too, think it was the hair that got me hooked. Ahh, Lori Endres. :D I can't even remember what she looked like!

8:47 AM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

I vaguly remember the bus ride, but I remember the ren fest. Somewhere in the back of my mind I can remember you being there too. This is also the trip where Sarah got the Puke and Snot t shirt my mother LOATHED! Sarah wore it ALL the time just to spite her. Besides, how could you not stalk Lesley, she's stunningly vivacious!

8:49 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

heehee. I really liked that shirt! I recall a certain shirt w/bananas&palm trees that I wore that you hated. I can remember you saying, "Do you have to wear that ugly shirt?" Did it embarrass you that I wore weird shirts?

12:38 PM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

No it wasn't embarrassing, just ugly. Who likes a shirt with bananas that have faces? I had totally forgotten about that shirt

12:38 PM  
Blogger Lesley said...

Catie, I have never felt more flattered! You are the sweetest stalker ever! Ha ha! I do seem to have a memory of this, believe it or not. And yes, I must have been sitting with Jen. I don't remember you doing anything, er uh, improper, Catie! I would have remembered a Selena moment. :)

But Catie, there is space in my heart all for you, especially in how similar we were in our interests and attitudes. We're the tall drama girls who took our sweet time to go from gawky to glam! You know, like, if we were famous actresses now (who do YOU want to be in this vision?) they would show our elem or middle school pictures or something on some style show before displaying our stunning red carpet entrances. And everyone would wonder how we both turned out so killer. We'd be, like, on Oprah, and she'd say, "GIIIRLS, you turned out gooood!" Ok, so that's my daydream hangover.... ha ha! Anyway, back at ya, baby! I'll stalk you anytime.

1:50 PM  

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