Instant messaging, anyone?
If anyone has an IM account, either Yahoo or MSN, I'd love to have your screen name to add to my contact list. Topher has even been asking me, "Why aren't you guys scheduling group chats?" It would be nice. So if'nyawanna, just send an email to the group with your screen name.
i've got MSN messenger. you're gonna hate the email addy though:
('s a hip Fight Club reference, so bite me :) )
I generally try not to use it during work, though.
Good idea Lesley. I've added LE and Garrett on Messenger, so here's mine:
Creative, no?
boy oh boy! everyone please post your IM address! Lesley, Eric and I just spent an hour talking together on MSN messenger (you can join everyone on the same messenger string)and it was a blast!!!
Mine's and I've added you all to my contact list.
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