My family
My parents finally decided to stay in Kansas when they retire. I don't know what the other options were, but they told us last year or so that they picked Kansas. In the past few years, I've been back to Marion so rarely that I can see my childhood home with a lot more objectivity, and it's an old property now, whereas when I lived there, it was something of an upstart. It feels so rooted to the earth, and the past. It's really wonderful.
And they have been able to afford a lot more home improvements since Katie and I left, so the house is incredibly gorgeous. About three years ago, they added a screened-in porch at the back, off the family room (that was pretty new in high school), and it's the highlight of the whole property. In fact, let me just put the idea in your heads a year early: it would be a lovely place to have dinner when we all reunite, and my mom already wants to host it.
Anyway, she is busy all the time at work, but she still does pottery when she has time--last weekend was a wood-fired clinic she participated in.
Dad is also super busy nonstop. In addition to his regular job, he runs the Big Brother, Big Sister in Hillsboro, has organized after-school guitar clubs, and ran the Chicago Marathon two years ago.
He still plays the guitar all the time, and this photo is of him picking up the guitar and jamming with the band that played for Katie's wedding.
Katie grew up to be super pretty, super fun, and my best friend.
She's a grad student at Rush in Chicago, following in mom's footsteps and getting her degree in Speech Language Pathology. Going to Rush prepares her for working in the hospital setting, so she'll probably make a ton of money soon. The year before she went to grad school, she worked in the Chicago Public Schools. I think all of her experiences have told her she'd prefer to work with adults. She's all excited about SLP stuff--I frankly don't understand a single thing she and mom talk about.
She and Chris just got married over Labor Day this year. He is the rulingest of all possible brothers-in-law. Just an all-around fantastic person.
And, oh yeah, my family now includes Tim:
(As a mouse in last year's children's production of "Lilly and the Purple Plastic Purse.")
He is, obviously, an actor.
And Fergus and Olivia. (Fergus is the bigger one.) I had Fergus first, for about four years, then we got him a friend a little over a year ago. It took a while, but occasionally I will catch them cuddling now. Olivia is a lot more outgoing than he is, but he's still my favorite.
Olivia has a remarkable resemblance to a vampire bat:
And they have been able to afford a lot more home improvements since Katie and I left, so the house is incredibly gorgeous. About three years ago, they added a screened-in porch at the back, off the family room (that was pretty new in high school), and it's the highlight of the whole property. In fact, let me just put the idea in your heads a year early: it would be a lovely place to have dinner when we all reunite, and my mom already wants to host it.
Anyway, she is busy all the time at work, but she still does pottery when she has time--last weekend was a wood-fired clinic she participated in.
Dad is also super busy nonstop. In addition to his regular job, he runs the Big Brother, Big Sister in Hillsboro, has organized after-school guitar clubs, and ran the Chicago Marathon two years ago.
He still plays the guitar all the time, and this photo is of him picking up the guitar and jamming with the band that played for Katie's wedding.
Katie grew up to be super pretty, super fun, and my best friend.
She's a grad student at Rush in Chicago, following in mom's footsteps and getting her degree in Speech Language Pathology. Going to Rush prepares her for working in the hospital setting, so she'll probably make a ton of money soon. The year before she went to grad school, she worked in the Chicago Public Schools. I think all of her experiences have told her she'd prefer to work with adults. She's all excited about SLP stuff--I frankly don't understand a single thing she and mom talk about.
She and Chris just got married over Labor Day this year. He is the rulingest of all possible brothers-in-law. Just an all-around fantastic person.
And, oh yeah, my family now includes Tim:
(As a mouse in last year's children's production of "Lilly and the Purple Plastic Purse.")
He is, obviously, an actor.
And Fergus and Olivia. (Fergus is the bigger one.) I had Fergus first, for about four years, then we got him a friend a little over a year ago. It took a while, but occasionally I will catch them cuddling now. Olivia is a lot more outgoing than he is, but he's still my favorite.
Olivia has a remarkable resemblance to a vampire bat:
I can't imagine marion without your parents. They've sort of become a part of the idea of home in my mind, like everyone else's parents! So, i'm glad they've chosen to stay.
And why would they even want to move?! Your parent's house sounds gorgeous! I hope i get to see it VERY soon.
Sounds like Paula and Mike are doing great and keeping busy with some great things...
I've always admired your mom's pottery. And your dad is awesome when it comes to guitar-playing...
They're both so talented! :)
Oh my gosh... Katie is so beautiful *always has been*!
I can't believe how much she's changed... and yet still looks so much the way i remember her! I'm glad to hear she's doing so well. She looks so happy. And Chris looks like a great guy! What does he do for a living?
Tim... Timmy Tim Tim Tim. I only had the pleasure of meeting him once. But let me just say... "he's the coolest everyone!" Wish i'd gotten to hang out with you two more the last time i saw you. I could see how happy and comfortable you were with him and i'm so glad you finally found your prince. ;)
I look forward to the day when he becomes a big star and i can say.. "oh yeah... i've met him... and i'm good friends with his WIFE, too!" Then turn my nose up and walk off. oh yeah. :)
Fergus and Olivia are so sweet! I'm so jealous. I've always wanted a black cat... and you have TWO! *Ya big showoff*
Unfortunately, dave's allergic to cats *or so he claims*, so no felines for us. Narf.
You have it made, Ellie-girl. :)
Chris works as a consulting firm that prepares expert witnesses for trials. So he does a lot of writing and research. He's a genius who works too hard and makes a ton of money. What I like the most about him is that he works hard because he has a good work ethic, not because he's overly ambitious. I think if Katie made enough to support them both, he'd be happy staying home, raising a dog or two, smoking pot, and playing video games. He's just a really great guy who takes good care of her.
Tim really IS the funnest ever. 2006 is Christmas in Kansas so, providing he isn't in any Christmas productions then (which actually, we want him to be in so that we can afford to pay rent), he will be there and we can all hang out!
Black cats are my absolute favorite. They are so beautiful. Luckily, I have always been allowed to be picky in that respect. Shelters always have an overflow of them due to other people's superstitions.
(I wouldn't let a little allergy stop you! Tim is allergic to cats as well, but he loves them, so we even allow them to hog the bed at night which is probably why neither of us can breathe every morning.)
Anyone else's pets rule the house? Last time my parents visited, we grilled on the porch, and Fergus was laying in his rightful spot as king on the World's Most Comfortable Chair. My mom said she was going to move him, and we got into an argument about it. Tim got a new chair for her. Um, maybe we cater to the cats a leetle too much.
Well, chris sounds like a good apple. They're lucky to have each other. :)
rent, schment! i'll GIVE you rent *how much are we talkin' here?* if you come home for christmas! :)
yes, black cats are my favorites, too. I love them. Convincing me that allergies can be overlooked so that we can have a cat is not a problem. It's the convincing DAVE that is the hard part. I'm lucky that we finally got a dog!
And yes... Ava rules the roost at our house, too. Climbs on the sofa... us... and sleeps wherever *except for our bed... once again, dave's rules :)* It's hard to stay mad at her because she's so sweet and cute... she's our baby... and she's WELL aware of it. ;)
Ellie, if a person asked me to conjure up a mental image of your father, that picture up there would be IT. That is so him that it just makes me feel all silly! Except the dress clothes...everything else is fab. I remember once when we were little I stayed over at your house and your dad played us "Poncho and Lefty" at bedtime. :)
Really? I don't remember that. Isn't he the cutest?
These are all great pictures -- and I second (triple?) everything that's been said in previous comments about your beautiful family. I would like to add how I have always enjoyed knowing your parents, too, Ellie! When we lived in Marion -- and your mom had already known Topher from being in classes with him at ESU -- we especially enjoyed the fact that someone in Marion knew Topher AS HIMSELF and not as "Lesley's husband." And they were great to treat us as adults when others were so tempted to bring up the fact that I was just a wee-22. So I always appreciated their friendship and support. Hannah's parents fit this category, too -- I loved knowing Margie when we both taught at MHS, and Topher still speaks so highly of Harry, especially because he would chat with Topher at a variety of community gatherings, etc. So I'm sure Topher will look forward to seeing your families again as much as I will!
Just to add as example: Two years ago, we went back for my reunion. We were wandering through the park, and I of course was talking to everyone I know, people Topher doesn't remember, doesn't know, doesn't have the connections with, etc. If they did know him, it was all "Chris" and "Your/Lesley's husband." But suddenly, Paula and Mike walked up to us, and Paula exclaimed, "TOPHER!" I know that made his day!!
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