Let the Halloween festivities begin!
My Halloween kicks off today with my work's Fall Festival. My friends and I entered the pumpkin-carving contest. I suggested a cat face because that sounded easy. Triangle-ish eyes and some whiskers, and put some felt ears on. But they misunderstood me, so when I arrived and they had the pumpkin gutted, they had a silhouette of a cat drawn on. In the end, it was really cool, but I don't think we'll win. Other people actually brought accessories to dress up their jack-o-lanterns.
(I think that's cheating, but whatever.)
Now my cheese pie is waiting to be judged in the pie contest. (My pie even has a fancy strawberry garnish on one side--which is really to cover up this spot where one of the cats took a bite out of it. I scooped out the cat bite mark and filled it in with sour cream, but it was a different shade of white than the previously baked sour cream, so I had to cover it somehow.) I better win. I am super competetive.
We had so much fun carving the pumpkin that I think we'll do it again, when my friends come over for dinner and scary movies on Saturday.
I don't know if I'm going to a costume party this year, though, which makes me sad.
How are you celebrating?
What's been your best costume throughout the years?
What are you wearing this year?
(If you say you're not into Halloween, you're disqualified from this blog! Halloween rules!)
ETA: since we can't link to pictures in the comments, I'll put this here:
In the past few years, my costume of choice has been an Osbick bird. (The Osbick comes from an Edward Gorey tale. I got the idea from a musical I accompanied a few Halloweens ago.) If I can't think of what to dress as, this is my default. I can't find the stinking mask right now, though, so I may have to come up with a new idea for this weekend.

Ok, not the best intro to Tim, though he really does have an incredible ass, but here's more of the costume. Only missing from the picture are the black and white striped stockings I wear with it. This was with our Earth Mother friend Jamie.

I've decided that this year, I'm going as Mrs White, in the Library, with the Candlestick. And Tim is going to be Mr. Body. I have a really fabulous red Asian embroidered satin dress that, if I'm not mistaken, Catie gave me years ago. It's perfect. A few years ago I wore it as a gun moll when I was dating a Chinese guy who tattooed himself up to be a fierce gangster one Halloween.
(I think that's cheating, but whatever.)
Now my cheese pie is waiting to be judged in the pie contest. (My pie even has a fancy strawberry garnish on one side--which is really to cover up this spot where one of the cats took a bite out of it. I scooped out the cat bite mark and filled it in with sour cream, but it was a different shade of white than the previously baked sour cream, so I had to cover it somehow.) I better win. I am super competetive.
We had so much fun carving the pumpkin that I think we'll do it again, when my friends come over for dinner and scary movies on Saturday.
I don't know if I'm going to a costume party this year, though, which makes me sad.
How are you celebrating?
What's been your best costume throughout the years?
What are you wearing this year?
(If you say you're not into Halloween, you're disqualified from this blog! Halloween rules!)
ETA: since we can't link to pictures in the comments, I'll put this here:
In the past few years, my costume of choice has been an Osbick bird. (The Osbick comes from an Edward Gorey tale. I got the idea from a musical I accompanied a few Halloweens ago.) If I can't think of what to dress as, this is my default. I can't find the stinking mask right now, though, so I may have to come up with a new idea for this weekend.

Ok, not the best intro to Tim, though he really does have an incredible ass, but here's more of the costume. Only missing from the picture are the black and white striped stockings I wear with it. This was with our Earth Mother friend Jamie.

I've decided that this year, I'm going as Mrs White, in the Library, with the Candlestick. And Tim is going to be Mr. Body. I have a really fabulous red Asian embroidered satin dress that, if I'm not mistaken, Catie gave me years ago. It's perfect. A few years ago I wore it as a gun moll when I was dating a Chinese guy who tattooed himself up to be a fierce gangster one Halloween.
Hmmm, this is sad -- we're not doing anything for Halloween this year! Probably just a quiet movie night. But past years have brought great excitement for the Allens...
We wore our best costumes several years ago at ESU's English dept. Halloween party. We had no idea what we would go as, but at the last minute, I suggested Boris and Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle! And Topher actually agreed to dress up! The costumes were so easy -- we carried a stuffed toy moose, too. And we won the costume contest! Maybe I will scan and post our photo from the party. (The following year, we went as Gomez and Morticia -- not as successful, but fun nonetheless.)
About two years ago, I went to a party as Sydney Bristow from Alias, donning a bright red wig ala the pilot episode. I was mistaken for Lola, but most people picked up on it. If I were going as anything this year, I would probably wear that wig again, and do a super punk outfit, complete with fishnets and Doc Martens -- just totally punk in a kind of '90s way. Hmmmm....how much would you all give me if I showed up to my classes like that on Monday? :)
And I really want to carve a pumpkin, now! One year, I went to a party at Kristine's where she carved the most awesome demon face into her pumpkin. I really like those pattern books.... Ok, now I've GOT to carve one.
And LE, I LOVE the story about you creating strawberry subterfuge for your cat's greedy bite. That cracks me up! I'm trying to imagine your discovery of the cat and/or bite. Hilarious! I'm sure you will win!
I won!
I won!
I won! I won! I won!
My pie is the BEST! (I forgot to mention, I made a mocha sauce to top it with. Most people just ate the pie plain, though. Probably because I overdid the coffee part of the sauce, and it is way strong.)
We got shafted in the jack-o-lantern contest. I think the judges were fixing to choose us (it looked AWESOME with a candle glowing and the lights out) but one asked if we were allowed to use carving tools (ours was intricate) and a contestant said NO, that it had to be a kitchen knife. A contestant! We so were allowed to use carving tools.
I hate cheaters.
I think you should do! Just go totally goth with fake piercings and black lipstick. I think it would be worth it just for the looks.
I went goth to Logan's Kindergarten party. I had fave lip and nose rings and everyone just kept staring at my lip. It was worth it though.
As for our halloween, I get to spend it in class. Darth vader, The Batman, and the pixie will just have to go without me.
el ~ love the pictures! you made a great Osbick! Tell tim *was he going for the Hedwig and The Angry Inch" look?* he looks hot and "nice legs!" haha!
and i can't believe you STILL have that dress?! let's see... that was... nearly 7 years ago! :) It was an awesome dress for you. Never looked right on me. Amazon women should not attempt to wear skin tight silky red dresses. It should be TABOO. :)
Congratulations on the pie win! you rock. :)
Unfortunately, Dave and I aren't dressing up this halloween. But we did for last year's! We even had a little party at our house. I was a sexy witch *also with black/white striped stockings!* and pointy buckle shoes and a feather witch hat.... even had a broom! Dave found a rubber molded mask from one of the zombies in... i think it was the "Island of the Dead" movies. Plus he put a voice changer in there... i wouldn't let him answer the door last year; Would've scared the crap out of those trick or treaters.
This year, we're just handing out the candy. It'll be nice because we're finally in a neighborhood with lots of kids. I'm really looking forward to it.
And i'm DEFINITELY carving pumpkins... i have to. It's a habit. :)
Catie, I am not sure Tim had any idea in mind for his costume, aside from really REALLY bizarre.
Of course I still have that dress! When you gave it to me, I was itty bitty, and it was too big. I finally developed some curves a few years ago, so I hope it still fits. It's so gorgeous, I keep it around, hoping I have an occasion to wear it. It looks kick-ass with knee-high platform boots.
I'm having the work friends over for chili, cider, pumpkin pie, and more jack-o-lantern carving. (We had so much fun at the contest that we decided to do more.) I wasn't planning on dressing up except I just found out a girl on the theatre crew is having a costume party.
Well, kids, I am on the planning commitee for the annual PCV halloween party in Cuenca. There are two of us. And it is a little wierd to me to be on such a committee, since, sorry, I{m not that into Halloween. I{m into having fun though, and seeing my friends, so what the hell...
I think I may go as Janis Joplin. I{ve got the hair. And the rest is easy. There were some really good costumes last year...blue footed boobies were the best. I went as a goat, but I got tired of it so then i was just a person with a tail.
Anyway, it promises to be a wild night, one in which I will be one of the oldest there. However, I find that the older I get the more fun I have.
As for the party...It will involve lots of beer and music, and probably burning things in the backyard of the house we stay in. I can{t wait!
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