Coming Home to Kansas


Ellie... And The Amazing Technicolor Nipple Ring...

Okay, so yesterday, my original plan was to share with everyone the first time i met each of you. HOWEVER... I've concluded that, at my ripe old age of 27, my memory isn't quite as "spry", shall i say? :) As you can all see from my so-called Blabbermouth-catie-screws-up-once-again post about LeAnn.
Therefore... i have thus decided to recall "an instance of hilarity" that i have experienced with ellie. So, sit back... grab your popcorn... and prepare to be SHOCKED! STUNNED! AND... UN... SETTLED.... :)
where to begin, where to begin...
WELL. i BELIEVE Ellie was home from college for a weekend.... must've been '97 or '99? oh hell, i don't know...
ONE YEAR... ellie came home and i was so excited to see her! She suggested that i come up to her parent's house to visit for a little while. So, i scurried on up there... hoping that i didn't make a wrong turn and go down the wrong road to the crazy lady's house *what was her name? Ms. Marr or something?* (Also, i KNOW that it's not hard to find the barta-moran house, people... but, i'm C-A-T-I-E! i can get lost in FLORENCE!*
Anyway, thanks to the gods, i found my way there and ellie greeted me with a big hug. We talked and laughed for a while... and then... ellie got this mischeivious smile that slowly inched it's way across her face. She said, "Wanna see something?..."
(Now. You know when ellie asks you if you "want to see something"... it's either going to be REALLY WIERD... OR REALLY AWESOME... )
Of course, i say "YEAH!" and she does the "okay, c'mon" headjerk and jumps up to go upstairs.
So, on our way upstairs, Paula's sitting in the room... reading a book... catches us on the way up and, non-chalantly but in a very interested way, says, "What's up, guys?"... Like she can SMELL that ellie's up to something. :)
We say "nothing..." and shoot the breeze for a little while...
and then high-tail it upstairs.
Ellie closes one of the room's doors and says quietly, "i got my nipples pierced!"
"Yeah! Wanna see?!"
Now, some people would come back with a "no, that's okay.. i believe you"... or a "no, thanks... god will burn my eyes out with hot skewers if i see such a thing."
Not me... i say, "YEAAAAAAH!"
so she shows me. And i'm kinda standing there, like, OUCH! Damn! How can anyone let someone ELSE do that to them!?!?!
Thus i become totally envious of ellie. What a badass. Piercing BOTH nipples... and having the balls to show her friends, too.
But it didn't stop there, folks! No, no!
"Wanna touch them!?"

Anyway, to some of you, you're probably thinking (especially ellie) 'is this story really necessary?'
And some of you are probably thinking 'What's the point of this story?'
Not a damn thing.
Being friends with ellie inspired me to be more daring... try new things *not nipple-piercing, but OTHER new things*... She inspired me to try cous-cous... play the piano more *remember constantly asking you to play the theme to SCHINDLER'S LIST?*...
And even get my... navel pierced. :)

Just like all of you, i love my ellie-girl for her eccentricities, enthusiasm, and curiosity... :)
And she makes damn fine Fiesta Nacho Cheese, too. :)


Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

Oh my ellie love. How alike we are. On my 25th or was it 26th birthday my friend from Iowa and I decided we were getting pierced. She was safe and choose her belly button.
I however, being a freak, choose to piece my clitoral hood. I like the way it looked on other people and was feeling more daring than a tattoo.
Can you believe it hurt less than getting my ear pierced?

Now, you ask yourselves, why is this so funny Jen?

We were both pierced by the older, grizzly santa biker guy. He was giving his instructions about after care to us and asked if we have questions.

By just looking at me, without knowing my true personality, you think I'm an ultra conservative, vanilla girl. We all KNOW that's far from the truth.
I looked innocently at the unsuspecting gentleman after he explained that if I did have sex in the next week or so that I shouldn't be rough.

Without looking shocked or missing a beat (I have fantastic timing sometimes) I said:
"Does that mean I can't run a chain through it and hook it up to the wall?"

One never expects to leave a tattoo artist speechless. The shock on his face was worth the experience.

1:35 PM  
Blogger LE said...

Oh my god. Catie, you always make me die with laughter. You are the best storyteller ever. I'm glad I wasn't casually checking my e-mail with a client in my office!

For the record, I did NOT ask if you wanted to touch them! I'm not shy about showing them off, but I do draw the line somewhere, far to the left though it may be...

I love piercings so much that after I took them all out for my surgery in 2003, the ones that didn't emerge intact afterwards, I got pierced again.

Note: piercing through scar tissue really. fucking. hurts.

But truly, piercings make me feel 21 again, and in my old age, I've turned to tattooing. I'll have to post some pictures. I still 3 more to get before I catch up with Tim.

1:46 PM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

What surgery did you have?

1:49 PM  
Blogger LE said...

Oh, and y'all know earlier where I confessed to sharing this blog with Katie? She told mom, who asked about it, so I sent her the link.

Luckily, she already knows about all my body art, though hopefully she's already looked at the blog and moved on, for she probably doesn't want to KNOW about it.

1:50 PM  
Blogger LE said...

oh, I had a bronchial cleft cyst. The surgery was fairly major, and I had to remove all the metal from my body.

I have a scar that blends into the fold line of my neck, so it's really not that noticeable unless I point it out. In that case, I say: "Bar fight. You should have seen the other girl."

1:52 PM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

I told my mom. After the whole witch phase, nothing really shocks her anymore

1:52 PM  
Blogger Catie said...

Are you SURE, ellie? no, really! are you SURE? cuz, shit... that's the way i've ALWAYS told the story... even when i published it in the Marion Record! *just kidding, hon... put the gun away. :)*

2:17 PM  
Blogger Catie said...

hey, jen! quit trying to upstage my navel piercing!!! :)*nice quick-wit retort, though! would've loved to have seen santa's face*
you girls are waaaay braver than i am.
tattoos and clit piercings... what do you have, lesley? :)

2:21 PM  
Blogger Lesley said...

Ok, for a bit of background that I was just confronted with, I read a letter I wrote to Topher when he was in Turkey and Ellie and I were on the same dorm floor. Apparently, she had told me at one point that it was hard to tell me things because I was .... well, pretty much a goody two-shoes. Ok, I am SURE she didn't use that word , but it was something akin to it, and she was right!! I am wincing as I read about all of these piercings/tattooings! Although, there are times when I wish I had that Angelina Jolie side. I have my ears pierced, and I only did that three years ago when both of my sisters-in-law assumed that I had my ears pierced (I mean, what kind of loser girl doesn't?)and gave me beautiful earrings for Xmas. And so, I decided it was time for that. As for tattoos, I think they look so awesome -- there's a girl in my office who has this dragon on her back that I would love to be able to have on mine -- but I just don't have the style or the bravery. I admire you all so much for having both.

And Catie, you are the best story teller, it is true! I want to hear every memory you got!

3:16 PM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

We could always hold you down and draw all over you with a ballpoint pen! I remember you saying that was as close as you'd get to a tattoo. Who has those pictures anyway?

4:36 PM  
Blogger LE said...

Y'all need to see this photo album I finally made in college. It has tons of pictures of the summer of 1992. All beach stuff (remember how much we also hung out in the park? Zero pictures of that.) and lots of "tattooing" pictures.

Also, I forgot to remark on this from the very beginning:

"Being friends with ellie inspired me to be more daring..."

This is one of the biggest compliments I've ever been given. Thank you so much. It means a lot to me. Despite your post, Catie, and all the stories I have, I have slowed down considerably in the past few years. But I still love my wild and crazy side, and it's good to know others do, too.

(And who knows what a reunion might bring out....?)

* This post brought to you by Tattoo Tatu, Kodak, and the best homemade strawberry daiquiri south of the Mason-Dixon line.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I must have a ton of those pen-tattooing pictures somewhere. I know I USED to have them so I'll try to locate them at some point.

I shall join Lesley in the "ears-only" section of this post. I've never had anything else done either. I do have two holes in each ear, only one of which I ever use, and I used to have one up at the top of my ear too but I let it grow shut when I was about 21 or so. No desire for any other body art, either...I love jewelry but I don't ever spend money on myself (read: I'm cheap) so I never buy it. So even if I DID want something else there wouldn't be much point! Ah well...

8:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

*big grin* Jennifer is the one that gave me an ear piercing, though I haven't had an earring in it in years. Did it with a needle, and cleaned it with a candle flame at her house. That sucker got SOOO infected though!

9:22 AM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

I had forgotten about piercing your ear! I'm all about self inflicted pain. My second year in college I got REALLY bored and pierced my nose, myself, with a push pin. Marc wasn't too thrilled, because after I did it, his ex-wife went out and had her's pierced too. She decided she liked me after that since she wasn't brave enough to pierce her own nose.

I keep waiting for one of the boys to ask about pierced ears. They would both look so cute and piratey with them.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Hannah said...

About telling your mom about the blog, ellie, and just so everyone knows, I guess. Talked to my mo last night and she asked me about it...I guess Paula told her that this blog exists, and also that she doesn´t feel comfortable reading it(Paula, not my mom) there you go.

12:14 PM  
Blogger LE said...

I can understand that. I personally am addicted to my friends' blogs, and the more personal the better, you know? But I know sometimes the raw emotion is hard for others to take. There are some things you just wouldn't want to know about your daughter, I suppose.

(By the way, I don't know how much you all knew this, but I clashed terribly with my mom as a teen, and really, since then, we still can get under each other's skin pretty easily and lose our patience quickly. In the past year, though, we have been working hard on our relationship, and I'm really pleased with how it's going. The fact that I was able to even extend an invitation for her to share in a very personal part of my life like this blog--I'm pretty proud of myself, and her, too! :)

1:10 PM  
Blogger Lesley said...

I think blogs allow for a certain kind of openness that few other media allow. It's funny, I was thinking about how extra happy I have been feeling this week, just from the intimacy this blog has made possible among us. I hope that's the feeling the rest of you are getting from it, too -- and I hope it's made you happy. We're not together in person, but it feels like it! Yet, I seem to doubt a blog as much as I rely on it....

And now I want a tattoo.....dang it yous!

3:15 PM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

I had to take it out a year or so ago because it keep annoying me. Later on I will probably get it re-pierced.

3:49 PM  

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