The first snow...
Today the first snow is finally here. It makes it really seem like winter. Too bad it wont be much. The winter makes me miss nebraska where a trace is like 12inches. You can fall back in the snow and make a real snow angel and not having to worry that you're going to land on a rock that will pierce your back. We lived there for 7 years i guess there had to be something i missed besides the fab malls and the friends i made. It just doesnt seem like winter without that wonderful white blanket of frosty cold.
Aw, you're making me missing winter! This weekend it was 74 here. Today it's 55, though, so maybe we're in the downswing towards cold weather now. Supposedly it hasn't snowed here in YEARS, though.
I absolutely love the first snows, but man, I am NOT looking forward to returning to Chicago's winters. In the middle of them, you'd swear they will never end, and they're just grey, grey, grey.
Well, our first snow was cool last week. It was powdery and easy to shovel, and then two days later when it warmed up, all the snow got really wet and heavy and all the kids in the neighborhood made snowmen. I drove by a snowman the other day with a Gene's Quik Lube t-shirt on!
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