Coming Home to Kansas


I got a new phone today so.....

Viewing&postn is go n 2 b way easier i didnt get the outdated leftovers (ghetto crap) is what i said n the middle of my pissyfit i think steve felt bad last time he got a new fon i got his brothers old 1 i hated it i have lost it&left it everywhere hint hint he got the 3 mo old video fon chris upgraded 2 1 that is basically a mini comp with the same price so i could also inherit his laptop needless 2 say yea me!


Blogger Lesley said...

Sarah, you've not seen a ghetto phone until you see the one we had -- seriously, it was first gen Nokia. Worked fine, but ewwwwww. Anyway, your post prompts me to ask you and everyone which phone network they would recommend? We no longer have cells, and we would like to get a phone before our holiday travels and all.... Any recommendations? We don't need a phone, really, for anything other than emergencies and travel, etc.

8:23 AM  
Blogger LE said...

If you don't really need a cell phone regularly, maybe get one with prepaid minutes, or a disposible one?

I have used Sprint for about 5 years now, and their service is pretty good, but I suspect you could get better minute packages with other companies. Right now, the cheapest plan I can get is $35/mo for 300 anytime minutes, plus $5 for texting, and then after taxes, it ends up being about $50, and it's just way too much to pay. I never use half my minutes, anyway.

But prepaid minutes also end up being extremely expensive.

9:27 AM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

Did you know that sprint has phone to phone calling for free? So when I call Sarah on her cell w/my cell it doesn't cost. At least that's what I remember anyway. marc and I never used minutes when we called each other cell to cell.

10:39 AM  
Blogger Hannah said...

Wow, phones are so fancy now. I really like having one down here, but in the states I don´t plan on getting one. Mine has no special features except a flashlight, which is very useful. I really like its simplicity. It´s a Nokia, but of course now I can´t remember the number. I´m not sure you can even get such a basic phone in the states.
Its really funny to me to see old indigenous ladies in their old traditional dresses and hats with a cell phone in one hand, and a wool spindle in the other. Wierd. A freind of mine was in PC Mongolia...he used to see nomads pull cell phones out of their boots, where they used to keep daggers.

10:51 AM  
Blogger LE said...

ha! I TOTALLY can't live without my cell phone now! In fact, Tim and I were in Publix yesterday, I was waiting at the deli for our lunch, and he was continuing our grocery shopping. I thought of a few other items I had forgotten to tell him to get, and I cursed him for not having a cell phone.

Also I am addicted to texting, but mainly, it's handy for the weeks when I'm on call, so I can leave the house without missing any possible shelter crisis.

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a cell phone which we don't use that often. Jason always takes it with him though. And it IS useful now because of the baby thing...and NO, we do not let it ring in movie theatres. We have it on vibrate, thank you very much. The nerve of people who will actually answer their phone IN the theatre and TALK on it!!

Since money is tight at the moment, if we have to drop anything from our budget this is the first to go.

9:13 AM  

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