Coming Home to Kansas


I need to share a pet peeve

All right, so I'm sitting here reading Gretchen's post and thoroughly excited about her getting in touch, and on the TV is some Dateline-type show about the murder of John Lennon. I'm half-watching it, and of course there's a bunch of Lennon music on the show. So it reminded me of a conversation Ellie and I had about two weeks ago and I am bored enough to share it with you all tonight. Ok, that wasn't a shot at Ellie, it was a very good conversation at the time, but what I mean is that I feel the need to say it all again to more people.

There are some things that everyone in the world thinks are SO great and I that I have never understood what all the fuss is about. Two of these things are on the John Lennon show and they are:

The song "Imagine" (I just can't like fact, I HATE it and you can all villify me if you wish)

The book Catcher in the Rye (sorry if anyone's insulted but I couldn't stand this book and I know that at least Ellie is with me on this one even if no one else just sounds like teenage whining to me and I can call my nieces and nephews if I want to hear that)

The bad part is...there are certain things in this world that if you say, "I don't like..." people turn to you with a shocked expression and act as though you have committed a felony. It isn't safe to dislike them. I am trying to think of more of these items, and am unable to at the moment, so maybe you can all help me. I know that everyone has at least ONE thing they hate that everyone else in the universe seems to love, so if you do, post it here and I am sure that will help me think of others. Oh, while I'm taking wild chances, I might as well just add the Beatles in general to this list. Sorry, but I just don't enjoy their music.

This might be my bravest (or most foolhardy) post yet!!! I'm not trying to be a snob, it's just that this is the only place I feel safe expressing my actual opinion about certain things. :D


Blogger Lesley said...

Ha ha! I remember when I hated "Friends" solely because everyone else loved it. And then I watched it. And it was funny. And now that I'm older, I (for better or for worse) get it even more. So that's actually an example of how the majority sometimes gets it right. And I'm sure someone here will say "Harry Potter" etc etc.... and that's fine. I understand that reaction. Except that they, too (books and films), are pretty durn great. (I can't wait to see the new movie tomorrow!!!)

Over the summer, I read a column by Stephen King in Entertainment Weekly about how he loves all sorts of pop culture. You know, all the ubiquitous stuff that you can't escape -- like blockbuster movies, pop music, the tv shows du jour. And he doesn't apologize for it. I used to hate everything "popular" in these categories - but now, I have to admit, I am more interested in such phenonmena instead of rejecting them out right. And some of them are just that good.

But to answer LeAnn's question, what do I hate? Anything "Star Wars" related --- just not a fan (see, LeAnn? I know some -- read: husband -- will villify me for saying this!) And I actually agree with LeAnn about the Beatles -- just never thought they were all that either. And I hate watermelon (I thought of this b/c every time I'm at a picnic and refuse watermelon, I get that look LeAnn described. Exactly).

So there.

7:53 PM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

Kind of like when I say babies are gross. And that I'm not into babies.

9:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

All my friends are one likes the beatles? Even the White Album? I grew up on that shit (and I love Imagine.) Not even Norwegian Wood? Next thing you're gonna tell me Bob Dylan sucks too and I'm gonna be really sad. Can't say I liked Catcher in the Rye either. It is teenage whining, but it's still well written and important because frankly teenagers need to hear that shit sometimes.

If I had to pick one thing I can't stand that everyone else seems to like, it would be reality shows. Survivor came out around 2000 or so and I thought to myself "Self, that does it. I have officially lost all interest in television." And haven't watched TV since.

7:00 AM  
Blogger LE said...

Not liking the Beatles??

Ok, moving along....

I'm not a huge fan of LOTR, much to Tim's dismay. I mean, I don't HATE the movies, but seeing them once was almost more than enough. I tried to read the books when I was younger, and they bored me. (Please don't tell me I'll appreciate them much more as an adult, because I'm just not even going to try.)

(Tim even has the Silmarillian on CD--or whatever--and he likes to bust them out on road trips when it's my turn to sleep.)

I don't think it's shocking or edgy to hate reality TV. I hate most of their shows--but there are a few, ok, I can't think of them now... that I have liked.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

This is from Sarah:

I hate soup(hot water w/things floatn n it)&seafood. You shouldn't eat anything that smells like that. And cooking in general. If I can mix it&leave it to bake that's fine
It's not the baby that's gross, it's having the baby. When I had the first 2 they cleaned them up before they gave them to me. With Ian they plopped him on me fresh. Ew. I just wanted to say could you wipe him off & give him back with out the slime.

8:38 AM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

I like the beatles.

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about y'all, but I'm so glad to have Gretchen's accent back! I could just hear her saying with that slight Louisiana sound, "I could never abiiide Elvis."

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, babies are kinda gross. We went yesterday morning to visit my friend who does day care at her house. That experience coupled with my occasional Sunday mornings in the church nursery have reminded me that other people's babies are grosser than your own, and so if you don't have one therefore ALL babies must be kinda sick.

I'm so glad other people hate beloved things as much as I do. And yes, Garrett...Catcher in the Rye is good literature and is important, but that doesn't stop me scorning it.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Jen Nuessen said...

I didn't like Catcher in the Rye either. But then again I'm not a guy. I really think that is the clincher for liking it. Marc does, I can't stand it.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Hannah said...

Okay. I´ve got a lot of opinions about just about anything.

Friends...I think it´s pretty dumb, but that doesn´t keep me from watching it and enjoying it. It´s especially fun to watch with Eliza and Hallie.

I never saw Star Wars, I like the Beatles, I think Elvis looks annoying, Watermelon is wonderful. I am perfectly capable of eating a mediumish one in a day. When I worked on the farm in Illinois, we would crack melons open and just eat the very center part, then move on to another. It was great!
Never could read LOTR. Catcher in the Rye was okay.

Also, I have never been able to get into beer. I always get tired of it after the third sip. Rum and cokes, now, that´s another thing.

And also, this mountain climbing, appalacian trail hiking, mountain biking thing that seems to be so hip that there are entire stores dedicated to recreational outdoor fitness...WTF? First of all, ow. Burning lungs and sore knees are not fun to me. Maybe it´s especially wierd to me because it seems like most Peace Corps volunteers are into that sort of thing. I´m already mostly camping. When I´ve got free time I want to go to the city and take a real shower and eat out, maybe go to a movie.

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, Lesley, I agree with you on Star Wars, so I guess the boys can glare at us both together. Jason bought the third movie last week or whenever it came out, and so we had to watch it the other night. I managed to watch over half of it before I picked up my book. I just am not into that type of fight scenes and chase scenes. I can't ever see what's going on in them for some reason.

9:41 AM  

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