happy halloween! (and a question about books)
A day late, I know. Did anyone do anything cool? Not us, per usual. I think we had five groups of trick or treaters while we crashed on the couch with some Chinese take out and more Veronica Mars.
More exciting for me (and something completely unrelated to Halloween) is that I got my teaching assignment for the spring. I get to teach a women writers course! I spent yesterday afternoon tracking down ISBN numbers for the novels I want to assign and writing up the course description. I am planning a theme of women writing utopian/dystopian communities -- it's loosely-based on a class I once took myself -- and I already have a range of 6-7 books, medieval to modern. I would like to add something different to the mix -- any good suggestions? (This is also a ploy to find out if anyone has read anything good lately -- and I know we're all insanely busy, but I get my best book recommendations from this group, so I'm always wondering.)
have a good November 1
More exciting for me (and something completely unrelated to Halloween) is that I got my teaching assignment for the spring. I get to teach a women writers course! I spent yesterday afternoon tracking down ISBN numbers for the novels I want to assign and writing up the course description. I am planning a theme of women writing utopian/dystopian communities -- it's loosely-based on a class I once took myself -- and I already have a range of 6-7 books, medieval to modern. I would like to add something different to the mix -- any good suggestions? (This is also a ploy to find out if anyone has read anything good lately -- and I know we're all insanely busy, but I get my best book recommendations from this group, so I'm always wondering.)
have a good November 1
Man, I feel so far removed from being an English major, I can't think of a single book to recommend. But you should definitely post your reading list once you've finalized it, because I'm sure I'll want to read all of it.
It sounds like a phenomenal class. And, unlike Freshman Comp, the class will probably be filled with people just bursting with excitement to be there, reading and discussing voraciously.
Aw, now I'm totally jonesing for a class like that! The coolest thing I've done lately is a million miles away from that (but maybe not?) is writing an ethics paper for my midterms, though lest you all start yawning, I do get giddy with excitement when debating ethical dilemmas in social work. It's so fascinating.
Oh, for Halloween, I had to work at the shelter, but Tim and I had a nice dinner of butternut squash, black beans and rice, and watched the first half of Gangs of New York. I was so disappointed to be sick this weekend, thus missing out on prime costume parties. Dressing up is my favorite.
Have you picked your books yet for the class?
Yep, I have. In fact, I was ordering desk copies this morning....
Christine de Pisan's 'Book of the City of Ladies'(14th c), Margaret Cavendish's 'Blazing World (17th c), Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'Herland' (late 19th c), Margaret Atwood's 'Handmaid's Tale,' Marge Piercy's 'Woman on the Edge of Time,' Gerd Brantenberg's 'Egalia's Daughters' and Octavia Butler's 'Parable of the Sower.' Also, a friend of mine who works on 18th c lit is helping me fill that gap. There are lots of others I'd like to include, but I don't want my students to rebel at any scarier a reading load!
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