What's the word on the latest Malaschak baby? Has he or she arrived yet? I'm dying to see new pictures!
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9.16.2006 | ||||||||
I was thinking about the Malaschaks this morning as well. For some reason, I got this strong feeling you had had a girl, like I'd dreamed it or something. (Then again maybe it was the two *cutest girls in the world* that I saw at the farmer's market.)
And there's so much going on with everyone! Updates, updates! Me, I'm no fun, still same old, same old. What is everyone else doing?
Me too! I want to know! I love babies!
I'm here to officially report that NOTHING is happening. Not yet, anyway. It's worse because Asher was 4 days early and so of course being late is something I wanted to avoid. Alas.
Other than feeling really pretty uncomfortable almost all of the time, I'm doing just fine. I'm hoping and praying that I won't have to have an induction or anything since that makes it more painful. I am not into things being more painful than what I remember from last time.
Someone else said they thought it was a girl but I can't remember who. Someone in my family I think. Jason says that he thinks it might be one because it is too stubborn to come out when it's supposed to. Ha ha.
Luckily we did manage to avoid a September 11th baby, which was a possibility. I'm looking forward to getting it over with at this point, though, so I can stop answering the phone and saying "No, we have not had the baby yet. I'm sure that you'll find out when we do." Argh.
Oh yeah, another thing. I will try to post pictures as soon as we have some, but you all KNOW what brand new babies look like and so I won't expect too many flattering comments. :D Asher didn't look too bad but he pretty much looked like every other baby that has ever been born, so I'm sure this one will as well.
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