Coming Home to Kansas



What's the word on the latest Malaschak baby? Has he or she arrived yet? I'm dying to see new pictures!


Blogger Lesley said...

I was thinking about the Malaschaks this morning as well. For some reason, I got this strong feeling you had had a girl, like I'd dreamed it or something. (Then again maybe it was the two *cutest girls in the world* that I saw at the farmer's market.)

And there's so much going on with everyone! Updates, updates! Me, I'm no fun, still same old, same old. What is everyone else doing?

7:23 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Me too! I want to know! I love babies!

8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm here to officially report that NOTHING is happening. Not yet, anyway. It's worse because Asher was 4 days early and so of course being late is something I wanted to avoid. Alas.

Other than feeling really pretty uncomfortable almost all of the time, I'm doing just fine. I'm hoping and praying that I won't have to have an induction or anything since that makes it more painful. I am not into things being more painful than what I remember from last time.

Someone else said they thought it was a girl but I can't remember who. Someone in my family I think. Jason says that he thinks it might be one because it is too stubborn to come out when it's supposed to. Ha ha.

Luckily we did manage to avoid a September 11th baby, which was a possibility. I'm looking forward to getting it over with at this point, though, so I can stop answering the phone and saying "No, we have not had the baby yet. I'm sure that you'll find out when we do." Argh.

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, another thing. I will try to post pictures as soon as we have some, but you all KNOW what brand new babies look like and so I won't expect too many flattering comments. :D Asher didn't look too bad but he pretty much looked like every other baby that has ever been born, so I'm sure this one will as well.

7:49 PM  

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