Coming Home to Kansas


Mariah Lee

i love, love, LOVE that the "group" is getting in touch on the Blog. It's so nice to hear about everyone's lives and the memories. I know Mariah would've really enjoyed it, too. Whenever we talked on the phone, she'd ask if i knew what was going on with everyone; sadly, every time she asked, i had to say that i didn't know.
i find myself thinking about Mariah a lot of the time and missing her smile... and making her laugh so hard that she'd let out a little mariah-snort... or pushing her to the brink in our conversations where she has to go so far as to retaliate with a verbal "bite me, hobag"... ;)
I still get the urge to call her when something BIG happens... and just recently deleted her old phone number from my cell phone. It's a little ridiculous, but it was a hard thing to do. I even called it one last time and got an answering service that stated to leave a message because Brian and his new roommate weren't home. I haven't spoken to him since the funeral.
i haven't seen Julie since the funeral as well, and i'm a little afraid to. I feel so guilty for not going in to see her... but i'm afraid that we might become too emotional... or that maybe i alone might, and make her uncomfortable.
In any case, I know Mariah would be ecstatic to know that we're all in contact again. She would want to be posting little messages as well... which i'm sure would be filled to the brim with "whatever"s, "wanker"s and "bite me"s, just to make everyone, including herself, smile.


Blogger Hannah said...

I still can´t erase her email address from my ecuador updates. Seeing Julie was hard, but very good. She told me that Mariah´s friends have always been important to her...when you are ready, you´ll go.
I´d known Mariah since I was born, and even though I always knew she had health problems, somehow, I thought maybe she´d beaten them. And to get that call last year was a real shock. I´m so sad, still, and I wish I´d kept in better touch. Thanks for reminding me how she was, Catie.

9:39 AM  

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