Hurrah! I'm glad too. And the colder weather is always odd at first, no? There was frost this morning on our lawn, and a group of about a dozen leaves on our lovely tree out front has turned yellow. After three years in this house, I now know that this means within two weeks that particular tree will have progressed from completely green to a brilliant yellow to completely bare. I'm not sure what kind of tree it is -- some sort of ash is my best guess -- but it's the quickest-changing tree around.
I have a lovely little bald baby asleep upstairs in his bed at the moment...I wanted him to stay awake until 10:00 this morning but he couldn't, as he awoke at 6:15 and played around in his bed. I think one of the cats went in there and woke him, as she was hunching outside his door when I went to see what the ruckus was. We browsed through a few yard sales in the cold later, and by the time I brought him home he had fallen asleep in the car. What a strange life I now lead! I try not to live and die by his little accomplishments and failures but it happens sometimes anyway.
I have a lovely little bald baby asleep upstairs in his bed at the moment...I wanted him to stay awake until 10:00 this morning but he couldn't, as he awoke at 6:15 and played around in his bed. I think one of the cats went in there and woke him, as she was hunching outside his door when I went to see what the ruckus was. We browsed through a few yard sales in the cold later, and by the time I brought him home he had fallen asleep in the car. What a strange life I now lead! I try not to live and die by his little accomplishments and failures but it happens sometimes anyway.
Y'all, I am so jealous of your fall climates. It was 90 here this week. The trees don't change so much as the leaves suddenly disappear from the trees around November.
Today, though, it was a teensy bit chilly, and I almost needed a light sweatshirt when I was playing tennis this morning. I'm wearing long yoga pants RIGHT NOW!
Verrrry exciting.
Well, I must say that we DID skip the 70s entirely for high temperatures this year. One week it was 85 and the next it was 55. But other than that it's typical fall so far. The cottonwoods are always the first to go and there are cottonwood leaves littering the whole neighborhood. Some people gripe about how messy they are but I love the rustling sound of cottonwood trees. They make me think of home. My dad showed me when I was little how each cottonwood stem has a half-twist in it so that the leaf sort of rotates back and forth in the slightest breeze, and that's why the sound is so delicate and twinkly. I love that!
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